RE: [gtkmm] Reset a value in a cell

> From: Bryan Forbes [mailto:mxpxfifws yahoo com] 
> My I interject?  I'll take the silence as a yes :).  Anyway, 
> about 3 or 4 months ago, I
> was thinking about writing a gtk+ engine in c++.  I think the 
> idea is awesome.  I was
> told on this list that it had been discussed and decided it 
> couldn't be done, but from
> what you say, it sounds like it could be done.  I have no 
> doubt that it can be done
> because gtkmm/glibmm/etc. are just wrappers/bindings over the 
> base.  I guess what I'm
> saying is that my vote is for this property being wrapped.  I 
> think writing engines in
> C++ could be easier.  Ok, I'm done interjecting.

Feel free to try to create gtkmm 2.4 patches to wrap this stuff. I guess we
would apply it if your gtkmm-implemented GTK+ theme turns out to be viable.

I don't personally feel that there's a lot of people who want to write gtk+
engines, let alone ones implemented with gtkmm.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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