Re: [gtkmm] Missing gtkmm.m4?

On Fri, 2003-01-24 at 09:14, Markus Gerwinski wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to set up the make stuff for a simple gtkmm application using
> aclocal, autoconf etc., but I don't get beyond "automake". It already starts
> out with aclocal complaining about a missing gtkmm.m4. (It really isn't
> anywhere on my disk.) When I change to gtk.m4 instead in my,
> automake exits with an error message `AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE must be used, ... run
> aclocal again'.
> Can anybody help? -- Since I'm new to both, auto* and gtkmm, maybe I'm anyway
> completely wrong in my experiments. Do you have some advice on how to set up a
> and for a very simple gtkmm test program? (Only two
> source files: A with the main and a with a class
> definition, both in the same directory.)

There is no gtkmm.m4 in gtkmm 2.

Please see the gnome-hello package and/or

This might also be useful:

Murray Cumming
murray usa net

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