RE: [gtkmm] How to sort the widgets in a box?

> Thanks, I tried but I got errors:
> class ModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord
> {
> public:
> 	ModelColumns()	{ add(m_col_text); add(m_col_go_button);}
> 	Gtk::TreeModelColumn<std::string> m_col_text;
> 	Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Gtk::Button> m_col_go_button; // 
> error here****
> };

The model should contain data, but it looks like you are trying to put some
view representation in the model, hoping that it magically works. More
importantly, you are adding a non-copyable type - Gtk::Button. You can't
copy a Gtk::Button, because there is no public constructor. If you really
want to, for whatever reason, you can use a Gtk::Button* instead, because
you can copy that.

If you want to create a custom CellRenderer, you might look at the
cellrenderercustom example in the gtkmm tarball:

But I don't promise that that is as simple as it could be.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net


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