RE: [gtkmm] Gtkmm or Qt?

On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 18:11, Murray Cumming Comneon com wrote:
> > 1. It would appear that Qt handles internationalization 
> > support better.
> > Now probably this would be better done as a separate library??  Does
> > one exist or is one planned?
> What do you need exactly?

I think what we need are:

1. Unicode support (which it appears Gtk+ 2 now provides)
2. Translation support, which it appears is generally provided by
gettext in Gtk applications.  I'll have to look into gettext to
see if the licencing is compatible with our software (non-free)
and whether it does everything we need it to.  (For example
we need it to have an elementary understanding of different
grammars so that we can create phrases on the fly using parameterized
3. Tools to facilitate generation of translations and easy maintenance
of several different language interfaces.

The first two are obviously the most important, but 3 would be nice too.

> glibmm will be a separate library for 2.4. For instance, it will then be
> used by libxml++.
> > 2. Laurent seems to think that the signals and slots 
> > mechanism provided
> > by MOC gives capability that the gtkmm library, libsigc++, doesn't or
> > can't.  I don't know enough about these issues to be sure about who is
> > right.  Certainly Trolltech think a template solution will never be
> > as good.  On their web page:
> > 
> >
> I've given my opinion several times. I think it's nonsense. libsigc++ works
> fine.

Have you got a link handy where you address this particular issue?  I
read through the link you gave yesterday where this issue was touched
upon but only lightly.

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