RE: [gtkmm] Associating data with Treeview or ComboBox items.

> From: Moses McKnight [mailto:moses gcecisp com] 
> In Mikro$haft Windows you can store data with every item in a 
> list or a dropdown 
> list box which can be simply a number or a pointer to an 
> object.  This is quite 
> nice since it makes it quite easy to retrieve the object 
> associated with each 
> list item.  The advantage of this over having an array (or 
> vector) of object 
> pointers with the same order as the list items, is that with 
> an array of 
> pointers you must reorder the array every time a user 
> reorders or sorts the list.
> Is there any way to do this with a treeview or combobox?

It's probably possible somehow with a combobox. I can't think of how right

It is definitely possible with a TreeView - just add a column to the model
and don't show it in the view.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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