[gtkmm] Solaris boolean checkboxes in TreeView

Hello gtkmm developers--

I wanted to see if the following is a known problem or not:

Using gtkmm 2.2.1 on Solaris 8.0, with a TreeView widget that holds a
boolean editable column, no checkbox appears in the TreeView; instead,
one of the words "TRUE" or "FALSE" appears, but is not editable.  

This is most obviously shown in the gtkmm "demo" application, the
ListStore example.  The corresponding ListStore example of the Gtk+
"gtk-demo" application works correctly (i.e., with editable checkboxes).

On Linux, everything works as I would expect.

Has this been reported and/or fixed?  If not, I will start digging into


  Howdy Pierce
  Cardinal Peak, LLC

  email: howdy cardinalpeak com
  phone: (303) 665-3962
  web:   www.cardinalpeak.com

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