Re: [gtkmm] Help compiling with gmake

>>>>> "Maya" == Maya  <escalante canada com> writes:

    Maya> I am not sure why I am not being able to compile using the
    Maya> following 'Makefile' file:

Apart from being the wrong mailing list? Just RTFM about make.

    Maya> #Flagas
    Maya> CFLAGS=-Wall -g 'gtkmm --cflags --clibs`

What's gtkmm? You supposedly mean gtkmm-config?! If that, there is no
--clibs flag to that command.

Additionally, you need to have backticks around the commands:

CFLAGS=-Wall -g `gtkmm-config --cflags`

Or better yet you might use

CFLAGS=-Wall -g $(shell gtkmm-config --cflags)

Oh, and next time it might be helpful if you provide the error message
you got or at least describe what didn't work, what you expected etc.?

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