[gtkmm] Re: tables and rows

Nabil Sayegh wrote:

Hi all,

I need to display a table where each row has the same elements.
Actually a vbox containing n hboxes would be easy to build and
intuitive. But I want the 'cells' to be aligned like in a real table.

What do you think is more elegant / less effort ?

1) vbox with hboxes
drawback: manually taking care of the alignments
benefit:  could write a class for the rows making is

2) table
drawback: adding rows more complicated
benefit:  everything is aligned automatically

Try to use GtkTable unless you have to implement something very
special. GtkTable is usefull one and you'll keep it in your the gtk so/dll
for sure, so why not to use it ?

BTW: Is it possible to hide some columns of a table ?

Yep, if you hide all widgets (gtk_widget_hide()) in the column :)


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