[gtkmm] Re: WHERE IS gtk/gtk.h

On 2002.08.19 19:02 xxxzzz wrote:
Maya say:
Using ANJUTA and the prompt, I am trying to compile the folowing program:
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
int main()
But buth give me an error saying that the "gtk/gtk.h" file could not be found?
I have tried doing some modifications on './profile', but to no 
Hoping that someone here will be able to tell me what I am doing 
wrong I have attached the './profile'. Please do have a look at it 
and tell me what am doing wrong.
 Try the menu [setting]->[compiler and linker]->[support]
double click the check box of "Gimp Toolkit library for GUI development" to let this support to be enabled.
 Re-build/or make this file :)

Thanks for the info. From the prompt I tried Simon's suggestion and it 
did work, but I still stock with the same problem using ANJUTA.
I looked for the [setting]->[compiler and linker]->[support], but I 
could not find the command [setting] in the ANJUTA command bar. Can you 
double check if those are the right steps to follow.
The commands I found in the command bar are "File, Edit, View, Project, 
Format, Build, Bookmark, debug, Plugins and Window". Perhaps you are 
reffering to something I don't know about.


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