[gtkmm] ANNOUNCE: gtkmm 1.3.20 "source-API-refrozen"

*** gtkmm2

gtkmm provides a C++ interface to GTK+. This development branch of gtkmm
wraps gtk+ 2.0.x.

We are now seriously pushing for a binary API frozen 2.0 release. There
are no known API issues apart from these, which will be punted to some
future version:

Although we froze the source API after the last release, we made several
minor API changes in this release. This will delay the binary freeze slightly,
because that must be enforced strictly.

*** Changes

* API changes:
  - Gtk::Combo: Added ComboDrowDown class - it wraps the deprecated GtkList
    widget that is used in the GtkCombo interface. gtkmm coders can now set
    individual item strings and use widgets for Combo items. See
    examples/book/combo. (Martin Schulze)
  - Gdk::Drawable: draw_rectangle() and draw_arc(): Changed filled arg from 
    int to bool. (Michael Koziarski)
  - Gdk::Color: *_p() renamed to get_*_p(). (Andreas Holzmann) 
  - Gtk::TextMark: Added get_iter() as a convenience. (Martin Schulze)
  - Gtk::TextBuffer: delete_at_cursor() and insert_at_cursor() return the 
    iterator, to be consistent with the other methods. (Martin Schulze)
  - Gtk::TextBuffer: paste_clipboard(), insert_child(), and 
    create_child_anchor() parameters are now const. (Martin Schulze)
  - Gtk::Bin::add_label(): Added override, using enum. (Gergo Erdi)
  - Gtk::IconFactory and Gtk::StockItem: Changed string parameters to
    Gtk::StockID to allow use of Gtk::BuiltinStockID. (Murray Cumming)

* Gtk::TreeView classes:
  - TreeView::append_column_editable() Workaround for gcc 2.95.3 compilation
    bug. (Martin Schulze)
  - TreeModel::foreach() return value marshalled properly. (Gergo Erdi)

* lifecyle:
  - C++ deletion really destroys GtkObjects again. 
  - Glib::Object: removed warnings wDownload hen using libglademm. (Murray Cumming)
  - Gtk::manage(): Now emits warnings when you try to use it on a top-level 
  (Murray Cumming)Download 

* examples:
  - Removed old menu and combo examples.
  - Corrected use of Gtk::manage() on top-level windows.
  - Added cleaner combo example in example/book/combo
    (Murray Cumming, Martin Schulze)
  - Rulers example fixed. (Martin Schulze)

*** Download


You will need the alpha release of libsigc++1.1, available here: 

If you wish to install this in parallel with gtk--1.2, you will first 
need to update to the latest libsigc++1.0.x, available here: 

*** Development 

This is an unstable release, currently under heavy development. You can find 
cvs instructions here: 

The CHANGES file describes some of the more significant differences 
compared to gtkmm 1.2: 

There is also ongoing discussion on the mailing list: 
and in the #c++ channel on irc.gnome.org  

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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