[GtkGLExt] gtkglext on windows7

Hello all,

I am using gtkglextmm and have run into some snags on Windows 7.

The first snag is that gtkgl fails to work with Areos glass on. This
is apparently a known issue, but none of the fixes worked. But who
needs Areos anyway? Areos only wastes resources...

The second snag is that the Gtk::GL::DrawingArea (and any other
configuration) overdraws the entire window. I worked around the issue
by redrawing (queue_draw) all sibling widgets after a redraw of the
DrawingArea. This is annoying but´bearable.

The third snag is that apparently the openGL context has no depth
buffer. The Gdk::GL::Config says it has 24 bits for the depth buffer
but no matter what config of glDepthFunc it fails to do depth test...
The render code works fine within SDL.

I am using the latest stable release of gtkglext and gtkglextmm; which
unfortunately is 1.2 (February 27, 2006). I tried building both from
the git repositories. gtkglext worked fine, but crashed with the old
gtkglextmm. I have not yet been able to build gtkglextmm from the git
repository. Do you know if the issues are fixed in the repository? Is
it even worth to invest the time to get gtkglextmm build; especially
since it must work against Gtkmm 1.2.22? (Yea no 3.0 for win32, yet.)

gtkmm with gtkglextmm is my best options to get a cross platform GUI
with openGL support, so I am ready to invest time into getting it to
work, only I have no clue where to start...  Any insight would be



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