Re: [GtkGLExt] gtkglext-list Digest, Vol 65, Issue 3

Braden McDaniel <braden endoframe com> wrote:

We're not interested in having GtkGLExt depend on GLEW--especially not
just to provide legacy functionality.  Users who need what GLEW provides
can go directly to GLEW (or GLee, etc.).
   What he said :)

Indeed, it would be a bit of a waste to add API functionality equivalent to GLEW that already exists and that most people are familiar with already. GLEW/GLee may have the odd quirk but are common and integrate well. As a heavy user of GtkGLExt it would just be weird to use another set of calls to do the same thing already - it would almost be like replacing the standard OpenGL commands :P
The next GtkGLExt release is going to require a very recent GTK+, too.
It's not going to be a drop-in replacement for GtkGLExt 1.x.  It is
targeted at new apps and those that are being upgraded to use modern
APIs.  For better or for worse, we're not really able to avoid breaking
API compatibility with the next release (bug 604333).  We're taking this
opportunity to do some additional culling of bits that represent
functionality outside the core role we see GtkGLExt taking.
   That should be fine - migrating from Glade to GTKBuilder wasn't that 
much of a hassle so I reckon users would understand - GtkGLExt is a 
great system.

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