[GtkGLExt] GtkGLExt Visual Studio 2008 problem

I'be been trying to compile gears.c from GtkGLExt with Visual Studio
2008 using GtkGLExt binaries found from here:


It compiles and links but when I try to run it I get access violation
in  __security_init_cookie() Line 131. I stepped into that function and
found that calling GetSystemTimeAsFileTime() from there causes the
access violation. If I comment GtkGLExt stuff out I get no violation
but if I call just gtk_gl_init () I get violation again even though
program never even gets to execute main() function. I can run gears.exe
from GtkGLExt\1.0\gtkglext-examples so I suppose GTK+ and GtkGLExt
installation is ok.

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