[GtkGLExt] [Repost] Re: GdkGLPixmap troubles

Hi, just to note a few caveats when dealing with GL contexts.

First, before performing any context reference operations, the GL widget should be +realized+ to manipulate any references inside. I have included some source code that I use in one of my apps to enlighten. with typecasts to make it easier to associate types:

   // Get OpenGL rendering context.
   gtk_widget_realize ((GtkWidget *) yourGLCapableWidget);
(GdkGLContext *) theSharedGlContext = gtk_widget_get_gl_context ((GtkWidget *) yourGLCapableWidget);
   // Initialise the other GL areas with the same shared context.
(GtkWidget *) anotherGLWidget = GTK_WIDGET (gtk_builder_get_object (yourGTKBuilderXml, "GLwidget2"));
   // Add OpenGL-capability to the other widget, sharing the same context.
gtk_widget_set_gl_capability ((GtkWidget *) anotherGLWidget, glConfig, (GdkGLContext *) theSharedGlContext, TRUE, GDK_GL_RGBA_TYPE);

... etc

Note that 'gtk_widget_realize' is essential for the following functions to reference data within.

Another caveat is that some drivers align texture data, depending on hardware - after the storage->framebuffer phase the alignment can vary if the hardware is not capable of non-powers-of-two textures. You may find that the driver will texture-split any non-power-of-two rectangles. The solution to this is to make sure that if the driver/hardware does not support non-power-of-two textures, to use the stride value in retrieving data back from the framebuffer.


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