[GtkGLExt] Re: Problems getting gtkglext to work under Cygwin


> Okay, let me reiterate my goals.  My primary goal is to be able to
> compile a gtkglext code under the Cygwin environment so that the
> executable run under win32 (i.e. so an Xserver is not necessary).  My
> secondary goal is they same as my primary goal plus being able to throw
> the -mno-cygwin flag so that the executable does not require the
> cygwin1.dll.

The idea is to use only the bash shell program and the associated shell
so that you can run the configure script under Cygwin on an Win32 machine.
As a result you have to use the Mingw32 GCC compiler and Tor's Gtk+-2.0
prebuilt binaries. The easiest way to do this is to install both Mingw32 GCC
Tor's zip files on a separate directory and then add the ./bin and ./lib to
Cygwin and Win32 PATH env variable. Also install the pkg-config program to
that dedicated Mingw32 GCC directory so that when you call it from the
shell it will find the right .pc files.

> Now, I downloaded precompiled packages atk, pango, glib, gtk+ from
> http://web.sfc.keio.ac.jp/~s01397ms/cygwin had the cygwin setup
> installer install them.  I have been able to compile some gtk+ examples
> which appear to run under win32 (i.e. I used `pkg-config --cflags --libs
> gtk+-win32-2.0`).
> Next, I downloaded the pre-compiled gtkglext-win32-1.0.5.zip file from
> sourceforge and unzipped then under /usr/local on my Cygwin
> installation.  I then changed the prefix line to /usr/local for
> /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/gdkglext-win32-1.0.pc and
> /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/gtkglext-win32-1.0.pc

This probably isn't a good idea, since GtkGLExt-1.0 isn't linked against

> When I try compiling a simple gtkglext example, (using gcc -o simple
> simple.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtkglext-win32-1.0`)  it compiles
> but when executed it complains that it can't find
> libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll.  The closest file I have is
> libgdk-win32-2.0.dll.a under the /lib under cygwin and I have
> c:\cygwin\bin and c:\cygwin\lib and c:\cygwin\usr\local\bin include in
> my windows PATH environment variable.

Did you add the c:\cygwin\usr\local\lib directory to your PATH as well?

> So my questions are:
> Should it be possible to achieve my primary goal with the pre-compiled
> packages I described above?
> If so, does my description of their installation sound right and the
> alteration of the .pc files?
> If so, why does the resulting executable want the extra -0 in the name
> of the libgdk file?

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