Re: [GtkGLExt] Problems getting gtkglext to work under Cygwin

Naofumi Yasufuku wrote:

On 04.2.27 5:09 AM, "Douglas A. Vechinski" <douglas vechinski dynetics com>
I have also tried downloading the file from
sourceforge which I thought would be a precompiled version that I could
use under Cygwin.  Unzipped the files in /usr/local.  I then try
compiling siimple.c.  It compiled with no errors.  However when I tried
executing it I get an error that it was unable to located
libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll.  There is a libgdk-win32-2.0.dll.a under /lib
but it doesn't seem to work.

You have to set DLL path to PATH environment variable. If you are using
Tor's win32 GTK+ binary, DLLs are located under bin/ directory.


I had also downloaded Tor'x GTK+ binarys and had the PATH environment variable set but still had problems. I was trying to used pre-compiled binaries of the packages and only resorted to trying to compile GtkGLext when I was having problems.

Okay, let me reiterate my goals. My primary goal is to be able to compile a gtkglext code under the Cygwin environment so that the executable run under win32 (i.e. so an Xserver is not necessary). My secondary goal is they same as my primary goal plus being able to throw the -mno-cygwin flag so that the executable does not require the cygwin1.dll.

Now, I downloaded precompiled packages atk, pango, glib, gtk+ from had the cygwin setup installer install them. I have been able to compile some gtk+ examples which appear to run under win32 (i.e. I used `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-win32-2.0`).

Next, I downloaded the pre-compiled file from sourceforge and unzipped then under /usr/local on my Cygwin installation. I then changed the prefix line to /usr/local for /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/gdkglext-win32-1.0.pc and /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/gtkglext-win32-1.0.pc

When I try compiling a simple gtkglext example, (using gcc -o simple simple.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtkglext-win32-1.0`) it compiles but when executed it complains that it can't find libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll. The closest file I have is libgdk-win32-2.0.dll.a under the /lib under cygwin and I have c:\cygwin\bin and c:\cygwin\lib and c:\cygwin\usr\local\bin include in my windows PATH environment variable.

So my questions are:

Should it be possible to achieve my primary goal with the pre-compiled packages I described above? If so, does my description of their installation sound right and the alteration of the .pc files?

If so, why does the resulting executable want the extra -0 in the name of the libgdk file?

Assuming I can get something working, what effect will trying to compile with -mno-cygwin have on compiling and execution?

If the above setup won't work for some reason, what do I need to do as far as setup inorder to use Tor's GTK+ binarys but compiling under Cygwin? Would this route be more "desirable" for end-users, i.e. the people who just want to run/use the code. Would they just need to install Tor's dlls and set the PATH appropriately?

Lot's of questions, I hope I have provide enough details. ( I had also made a brief stab at trying to get GtkGLext to work under X11 under Cygwin and had problems but I don't want to chase this rabbit just yet. Hopefully I can eventually get one of the above to work first.)

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