Gtkglarea and Gtkglext

Hi Anyone,

I have been using OpenGL from Motif for quite a long time and am
evaluating using OpenGL
from other widget sets.  We want to be able to build for Un*x and for
W**dows (unfortunately).

So I have been experimenting with Gtk and first gtkglarea and just now
Hence the cross posting.  :-)

It took me about the same amount of effort to get both gtkgl libraries
to run on my linux system.
(The inclusion of all the libraries in the building of the .so causes
these symbols to be in my projects
multiple times and so everything builds but segfaults in the run time
loader. Is my Mandrake 8.2 libtool
all messed up or something?  I work around it by relinking the .so on
the command line without all the

Unfortunately the cvs version of gtkglarea doesn't even compile at all
for win32.  I fixed this
as best I could and despite sending my patch to the 'maintainers'
nothing is changing in the cvs,
I will post the patch to the gtkglarea list imminently.

Anyway I got the gtkglarea win32 version to run fine in the end.
My main problems with the gtkglarea are really just that it isn't being
there are some functions missing from the interface that I would like (I
might add them but
I haven't had much success getting changes into the system) and the cvs
version doesn't compile 
and hasn't done for some time.

Then I discovered gtkglext, this looks really good Naofumi,
the interface is more complete and it is being developed.  Excellent.
I have got this working in Linux but I haven't tried windows yet....

My biggest problem is going to be that we use Perl in the same software
and the GtkPerl bindings
for Gtk2.0 are still in their infancy.  So I am left with 3 options,
work on the Gtk2.0 perl bindings,
recode GtkGlExt for Gtk1.2 or use GtkGlArea for the time being.  I will
probably do the first and last. :-)

Thanks everyone for their work

Shane Blackett
Bioengineering Institute
The University of Auckland
New Zealand

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