Re: plot data stream in realtime


I don't quite understand what is being achieved here by changing the internal type of the data pointers.
This is a serious change to the code, which will effect EVERYONE who currently uses the code.

Currently you can allocate very large gfloat arrays and simply change the size which gtkdatabox sees like so :

int largeNumber=60000, smallNumber=1;

gfloat x[largeNumber], y[largeNumber];

GtkDataboxGraph *line=gtk_databox_lines_new (smallNumber, x, y, color, size);

// to change the size ...
smallNumber = smallNumber+10;
gtk_databox_xyc_graph_set_length(line, smallNumber);


On 11/15/2012 10:48 AM, Joaquín Ignacio Aramendía wrote:
Well I wrote an extension, a little hackish for now, using Dave Amish's option
3. dynamically growing arrays
It uses growing GArrays and converts it to gfloat* when we need to talk "GtkDataboxese". I'm using this on a project of mine ( and the result is as expected. The only thing that needs to be done from the "outside" is updating the GtkDatabox (redrawing it). Like connecting the "notify::length" signal to a simple function to handle a rescale (hack to make it work I'm actually using).

The attached code is somewhat a rewrite of the original gtkdatabox_xyc_graph and gtkdatabox_lines with added push_point and some NULL pointers safety. To use it in any project:


/* Create the databox as usual */
GtkWidget *table;
GtkWidget *box;
                &box, &table, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE);

/* Set a color for the graph */
GdkColor color; = 0; = 0; = 0;

/* create two GArrays, this step is not neccessary as the push_point
 * function will do that if they are NULL ;) */
GArray *X = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gfloat));
GArray *Y = g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (gfloat));

/* create the graph */
graph = gtk_databox_rt_lines_new(X, Y, &color, 1);

/* make sure of removing the self reference ;) */

/* add it to the box */
gtk_databox_graph_add(GTK_DATABOX(box), graph);

/* add a signal to update the graph if neccesary */
g_signal_connect(graph, "notify::length",
                G_CALLBACK(redraw_graph), GTK_DATABOX(box));


Then I added this single function to redraw each time:

static void
redraw_graph (GtkDataboxGraph  *graph,
                        gint             len,
                        GtkDatabox       *box)
    gtk_databox_auto_rescale(GTK_DATABOX(box), 0.05);

To Add the data call:
gtk_databox_rt_xyc_graph_push_point(graph, x_point, y_point);

I would suggest again to move the entire API to a GArray based one (we can have a compatibility layer for existing code) they are fast and really easy to manage, and would be more effective in this RT cases and can be used for static graphs too.
The GtkDatabox can be provided with means to manage automatic redraws by connecting internally to it's child "lenght" property and queue a redraw (invalidate it's own rectagle).

Is it worth a meeting on IRC to talk this stuff (new features, new developers, coding standars, repository updates, porting to GTK3, etc.)? Since there is more movement in the mailing list than the codebase, with a lot of patches and code and little getting into de repository, we can chat about it on freenode or sth.

Btw: this code is done in GTK2 and is not ported to GTK3 as the only working configuration I have right now is GTK2 :(

Cya guys and best regards! :)

Joaquín Aramendía

PS: I added the screenshot to img.ur to fit the message quota

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