Nano version changes

Hello people,

I'm using GtkDatabox with the program Klavaro. But instead of using it
as a shared library I opted to include the source code, to avoid API
changes. But now, as I'm updating the code to use GtkBuilder instead
of Glade2, I want also to use every library as usual, from the shared

But then..., I faced a little problem. In Debian stable, the version
for GtkDatabox is, but in Ubuntu Jaunty, it is Well,
I diffed both and, the only changes seems to be in the file NEWS. Is
it really true? Because, when I package Klavaro in Debian, it simply
doesn't get configured in Ubuntu, just because of that nano version
difference. So, I must provide two versions of the same package, one
for each system. That's not usual, because the API didn't change!

Is there any really strong reason for keeping the library version name
in the package?
It could be simply gtkdatabox instead of gtkdatabox-0.9.0-0 /
gtkdatabox-0.9.0-1, could not?
Do you have some idea how to get things syncronized between those two systems?
Maybe it is a problem for the maintainers in Debian and Ubuntu, sorry
if that's the case... but I think no.

One thing is the library version, another is the package version, they
don't need to be the same.
For those who didn't read the libtool info, here is their recommendation:

>   *_Never_* try to set the interface numbers so that they correspond
> to the release number of your package.  This is an abuse that only
> fosters misunderstanding of the purpose of library versions.  Instead,
> use the `-release' flag (*note Release numbers::), but be warned that
> every release of your package will not be binary compatible with any
> other release.

So, my suggestion is to get rid of the `-release' flag.

I have other suggestions/requests, but I'll post them in other "topics", ok?

Hope to help,

Felipe Castro.

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