Re: gtkdatabox in fixed frame

GtkDatabox doesn't set it's size in any way. I think it generally relies on the container widget to tell it how big to be. So you can tell it exactly how big to be using gtk_widget_set_size_request.
The GtkAdjustment is just how the databox communicates with its rulers 
and scrollbars; it is not what you're looking for.

Michael Steinbauer wrote:
Hi folks,

I'm new in this list and I start with a question :-)

I'm doing a visualization in gtk and want to use gtkdatabox (and I have the examples). But I'm working in fullscreen modus, so I use gtk_fixed.

But if I use

table = gtk_databox_new();
gtk_fixed_put(GTK_FIXED(frame), table, 100,50);

on coordinate 100,50 just a point appears.

If I use
table = gtk_databox_with_scrollbars_and_rulers(.....

I get a databox in a size, just to see the scrollbars.

How can I adjust the x und y dimension. I found gtk_databox_set_adjustment_x, but I do not understand GtkAdjustment.

Can someone help me please?

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