gtkdatabox- grid and scale modifications

Hi Dr. Bock and all on the list,
I modified gtkdatabox- to support log2 scaling and added
support for initializing the grid by passing an array of values.  You
can read my updates in the Changelog and see the specific changes in
the patch

Here is the head of the Changelog:

2009-04-15 (
	 - Added log base 2 support to the scale/ruler libraries
	    - In gtkdatabox.c I Copied log10 code and pasted, it
	      after the linear code replacing log10 calls with log2
	    - In gtkdatabox_grid.c, added in support for assigning grid
	      values, instead of the default automatic assign done heuristically
	      by the library.
	      - Uses a new API call GtkDataboxGraph *gtk_databox_grid_array_new
		(gint hlines, gint vlines, gfloat *hline_vals, gfloat *vline_vals,
GdkColor * color, guint size);
	      - These are not done using the same coding style priv->val
	        because I could not figure out how to make this work properly.
		Instead I used a global gfloat pointer defaulted to NULL for
		these arrays.  The NULL value is used to determine if grid
		values are displayed from the array or heuristically
	    - In gtkdatabox_scale, copied log10 code and pasted, it after the linear
	      code replacing log10 calls with log2, pow 2
	    - Updated all headers to reflect new API change (see diff)

Attachment: gtkdatabox0.9.2alpha.patch.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

Attachment: gtkdatabox-
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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