[gtk-win32] Annoucement: GIMP VS 2005 -2008 GIMP PORTABLE VS 2008 First Stable Release

Hi , I'm proud to announce that Gimp VS switched
to a stable status at http://gimp-vs.sf.net
Gimp VS is GIMP ( www.gimp.org) compiled entirely using
the Microsoft Visual Studio (2005 and 2008 series) compilers
(that is 14.00 and 15.00 versions , _MSC_VER 1400 and 1500 :)
and linked against Microsoft dynamic runtimes .
The installations is done using the "private assembly" Microsoft
recommanded deployement schema , allowing the installation
of GIMP VS without "administrative rights" when Micrsoft runtimes
are not pre installed on the target machine.
This implementation decision allows GIMP VS PORTABLE to be
be available :
Install Once , Create Anywhere
without the need of any other libraries than the sytem ones .
GIMP VS runs on XP  or above ,NT 5 or above
The 2005  series are compiled using cl 14.00
The 2008 series are compiled using cl 15.00
The developper SDK will be upgraded with solutions
for Visual Studio 2005 and 2008
Python 26 will be added soon for scripting , its installation
needs to be checked against Portablity.
Feel free to comment , suggest and create !
Pierre RF Barthe

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