[gtk-win32] ANNOUCEMENT GIMP VS Gimp Visual 2005 version

Hi this is my first post to this list
I just made an alpha release of the Gimp packages
entirely compiled with Visual Studio 2005 (can't release vs 2008
binaries before VS 2008 is out it is tested and waiting for MSFT)
and linked against microsoft
dynamic runtime libraries using sourceforge.net
Releases are available from
The need came to have coherent binaries when allocation problem
araised when mixing mingw and ms tuntimes .
Gimp was not planned but was just one step(project) beyond
the compilation set .
Right now available packages are :
atk 1.20.0 
bzip2 1.0.4 
cairo 1.5.2 
fontconfig 2.4.91 
freetype 2.3.5 
gettext 0.14.4 
gimp 2.4.1 (will update to latest soon) 
glib 2.14.4 
gtk+ 2.12.2 
jpeg 6b 
libart_gpl 2.3.19 
libiconv 1.19.2 
libpng 1.2.22 
libxml2 2.6.30 
pango 1.19 
pcre 7.4 
tiff 3.8.2 
zlib 1.2.3 
and come into two flavours debug and release builds.
Microsoft Runtime SP1 needs to be downloaded from
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) 2.6 MB 
since until I get more precise advice , I follow the gettext-0.4.14 readme.woe32 comment :
Note that binaries created with MSVC 7.0 should not be distributed: They
  depend on a closed-source library 'msvcr70.dll' which is not normally part
  of a Woe32 installation. You cannot distribute 'msvcr70.dll' with the
  binaries - this would be a violation of the GPL and of the Microsoft EULA.
  You can distribute the binaries without including 'msvcr70.dll', but this
  will cause problems for users that don't have this library on their system.
  Therefore it is not recommended. This problem does not occur with MSVC 6.0
  and earlier.
Debug versions are intented for developpers and debugging symbols are missing in this alpha release.
GIMP 2.5 will be added in a few hours , and will come as an update package .
Pixel loaders don't show up so u can't import external formats in GIMP , nor export them (use an older release , save to gimp
native foramt et voila for now :)
I cross post this only for the first annoucement, further notices will only
go on gtk-win32 mailing list.
NOTE , this is an alpha release and is not intented to be used
in production environments.
Any feedback is welcome
Pierre Barthe

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