Re: [gtk-win32] Bugfix for transient dialogs posted a year ago

bulia byak writes:
 > Oh, so you do you know some way to make dialogs stay on top in Gnome?
 > What is that method? If there's none, why speculate?

Of course there is a method to make dialogs stay on top in GNOME, too,
and it should be the same as in KDE for all I know. It's just that
there are always corner cases whose behaviour might be different on
different window managers.

In this case, your sample program creates the "Transient dialog"
windows as normal toplevel windows (without a dialog type hint). It
uses gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL). I was told that this seems a
bit odd and probably does not match what real programs would do?

If I change that to gtk_dialog_new() instead, the sample program
behaves more closely like you describe for me on GNOME/metacity,
too. Presumably your original version exercised some vaguely defined
corner case that metacity doesn't bother handling.

 > What else can I do to convince you that this must be done?

Calm down, I am aware of that.


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