Re: [PATCH] Introduce vnc_util_get_version() functions to get version

On 09/30/2010 02:45 PM, Jonh Wendell wrote:
Em Qui, 2010-09-30 às 14:15 +0200, Michal Novotny escreveu:
On 09/30/2010 02:18 PM, Jonh Wendell wrote:
Em Qui, 2010-09-30 às 13:59 +0200, Michal Novotny escreveu:

this is the patch to allow user to get the GTK-VNC version using the
vnc_util_get_version() and vnc_util_get_version_string() functions.
Both the functions returns the version numbers based on the VERSION
definition as created by autotools.


Why not having defines instead? Just like gtk+ does?


this is the other option we could have nevertheless I don't know what's
Thinking about bindings, it's better to stick with the functions...

About the patch, three notes:
1) str must be freed with g_strfreev
2) retVal should be renamed to ret_val or just ret?
3) about vnc_util_get_version_string(), couldn't it return a const gchar
* (return VERSION;)?

Ok, thanks for your valuable input since I'm not familiar with the GNOME String functions very much so that's why I did something that could be done better. Nevertheless I'll have a look after I finish at work today. Why should I rename retVal to ret_val or ret ? I'm just curious why. Also, the point 3 - do you mean implement as "return (const char *)VERSION" ?


Michal Novotny<minovotn redhat com>, RHCE
Virtualization Team (xen userspace), Red Hat

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