Re: [PATCH] Implement custom grab key combination definition

On 06/07/2010 11:16 AM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
On Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 11:03:27AM +0200, Michal Novotny wrote:
On 06/04/2010 05:43 PM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
On Fri, Jun 04, 2010 at 11:17:31AM +0200, Michal Novotny wrote:
diff --git a/src/vncdisplay.h b/src/vncdisplay.h
index 1b5b297..1f00f5b 100644
--- a/src/vncdisplay.h
+++ b/src/vncdisplay.h
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ void            vnc_display_send_keys_ex(VncDisplay *obj, const guint *keyvals,
   					 int nkeyvals, VncDisplayKeyEvent kind);

   void		vnc_display_send_pointer(VncDisplay *obj, gint x, gint y, int button_mask);
+void		vnc_display_set_grab_keys(VncDisplay *obj, const gchar *key_combo);
+const gchar*	vnc_display_get_grab_keys(VncDisplay *obj);

I'm not a huge fan of this as an API signature because we're inventing
a compound string format that people now have to parse/build.

I'm somewhat inclined to think we should be taking a list of modifiers +
list of keysyms, but that's not all that pleasant either.

eg, to set  Ctrl+Alt+f as the grab sequence, an app could call

    int[] grabmods = { GDK_CONTROL_MASK , GDK_MOD1_MASK, NULL }
    int[] grabkeys = { GDK_f, NULL };
    vnc_display_set_grab_keys(vnc, grabmods, grabkeys);

Yeah, this is right Daniel but the definition is not that easy for the
end user... Or do you think we would parse the key combination
(Ctrl+Alt+f) to make the grabmods and grabkeys from it like stated above?
I think it depends on how you think the UI should work.
There are several options

   1. Have a list of pre-defined sequences and let user chose
      between them on a menu
   2. Present a text field and let them enter a string "Ctrl+Alt+f"
   3. Popup a dialog and simply ask them to type in the desired
      sequence&  record it.

Personally I'd go for option 3 because it is flexible and easy
to understand. With this, you'd be getting the mods+keysyms
directly, so the API I suggest would be quite straigthforward.

Ok Daniel. In fact it's great to record it and make it use option 3 but 
I never did the GTK development before so I didn't know how could I do 
that so that I did use option 2 instead. But I see what you mean, in 
fact I'd need to allocate some of my time to learn it how to do it using 
the third option but I have to agree that this way this would be very 
straight-forward. The second thing here is how should this string be 
saved to some configuration file. Like the combination of guints 
presenting the keys pressed?
Or perhaps a simple data type

     typedef struct {
        int modmask;
        int nkeysyms;
        int *keysyms;
     } VncGrabSequence;

     VncGrabSequence seq = {
         .modmask = GDK_CONTROL_MASK | GDK_MOD1_MASK,
         .nkeysyms = 1, .keysyms = { GDK_f }
     vnc_display_set_grab_keys(vnc, seq);
I'm prefering this style more than the example just above it, because I
think this will be easier to deal with in language bindings&  properties

I see what you mean Daniel and honestly I find it good to implement it 
this way. Since I'm seeing the nkeysyms here I guess it would be ready 
to implement multiple keys to be defined - like Ctrl+Alt+F and 
Ctrl+Alt+f or make this be a combination like Ctrl+a+b or something like 
that. Otherwise I'm seeing no point of having multiple keysyms defined here.

Michal Novotny<minovotn redhat com>, RHCE
Virtualization Team (xen userspace), Red Hat

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