Re: [gtk-vnc-devel] Scaling down

Jonh Wendell wrote:
Em Sáb, 2008-06-28 às 14:38 -0300, Jonh Wendell escreveu:
Em Sáb, 2008-06-28 às 12:31 -0500, Anthony Liguori escreveu:
Jonh Wendell wrote:
Em Sex, 2008-06-27 às 11:57 -0300, Jonh Wendell escreveu:

Second try...

Why do you force the size to 0,0 instead of just not calling the function?


Anthony Liguori
Because without that vinagre didn't work :(

OK, I got rid of that statement. Hacked a bit on vinagre and everything
is working now.

Okay to commit?

Yes.  What did you have to do in vinagre?


Anthony Liguori

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