[gtk-vnc-devel] Preparing for the 0.3.2 release

I've just pushed a tag for release-0.3.2-rc0. I plan on making it 0.3.2 on Monday.

If you've got a chance over the weekend, I'd appreciate it if you could test it out and make sure everything is happy. If you have new features, please hold off until after the release to push them.

The planned release notes are:

Dec 31, 2007: Release 0.3.2

Bug fixes:

This release fixes a bug in the python bindings whereas send_keys() was not
always returning a value.  It also fixed a bug in how mouse events get
propagated and ensures that the right number of encodings are sent to the
server.  This release also fixes the RichCursor encoding when the server is
using a depth of less than 24.

New features:

A new interface was added (vnc_display_send_keys_ex) for passing key press and
key release sequences directly and for sending pointer events directly
(vnc_display_send_pointer).  Another interface was added
(vnc_display_set_read_only) to prevent the user from being able to send any
input at all to the server.  Support for the RRE encoding was added along
with a GThread-based coroutine implementation to improve portability.  ZRLE
support was also added.


Anthony Liguori

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