I'm porting an application from Gtk2/Gnome2::Canvas to Gtk3/GooCanvas2. Most of the process has gone relatively smoothly, but I have hit segmentation faults when calling the GooCanvas2 transform methods.
Calling the set_transform method on a canvas item results in "ERROR:gperl-i11n-marshal-struct.c:119:sv_to_struct: assertion failed: (package)".
Code to reproduce is below (adapted from the GooCanvas2 module synopsis).
I've also reported this to RT, but have yet to get a response from the module author.
Is this something that can be fixed in the perl bindings? Or is the issue deeper?
FWIW, I can reproduce on Windows (Strawberry perl 5.28.0, using PPMs from Sisyphusion.tk), and on Centos (perlbrew 5.30).
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.022;
local $| = 1;
use Gtk3 -init;
use GooCanvas2;
my $window = Gtk3::Window->new();
$window->set_default_size(640, 600);
$window->signal_connect('destroy' => sub {Gtk3->main_quit()});
my $scrolled_win = Gtk3::ScrolledWindow->new();
my $canvas = GooCanvas2::Canvas->new();
my $root = $canvas->get_root_item();
my $rect_item = GooCanvas2::CanvasRect->new(
'parent' => $root,
'x' => 100,
'y' => 100,
'width' => 300,
'height' => 400,
'line_width' => 10.0,
'radius-x' => 20.0,
'radius-y' => 10.0,
'stroke-color' => 'yellow',
'fill-color' => 'red',
my $mx = Cairo::Matrix->init (1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1);
# this fails
my $tfm = eval {
$rect_item->set_transform ($mx);
say $@ if $@;
say 'Getting transform';
my (@tt) = eval {
say $@ if $@;
say join ' ', map {$_ // 'undef'} @tt;
# Connect a signal handler for the rectangle item.
$rect_item->signal_connect('button_press_event' => \&on_rect_button_press);
# Pass control to the Gtk3 main event loop
# This handles button presses in item views.
#We simply output a message to the console
sub on_rect_button_press {
my ($item, $target, $event) = @_;
print "rect item received button press event \n";
return 1;