I have a wierd issue with iters and and a liststore with a combo cellrender and edited signal.
If I dont sort the column everything is fine the iter points to the right row.
However if I do sort the iter points to a different row
Code is
setup for column renderers
sub tv_cols {
my ($cols,$list,$liststore)=@_;
foreach my $col (@{$cols}){
my $column;
my $r;
my $id=$col->[0];
if ($col->[1] eq 'text'){
$r->set( editable => $col->[3] );
$column = Gtk3::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(
$col->[2],$r,'text' => $col->[0]
my $model1=[$liststore,$id];
$r->signal_connect (edited => \&cell_edited, $model1);
elsif ($col->[1] eq 'bool') {
$column = Gtk3::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(
$col->[2],$r,'active' => $col->[0]
my @id=($liststore,$col->[0]);
elsif ($col->[1] eq 'combo') {
#$r->set( activatable => 1 );
my $model=Gtk3::ListStore->new('Glib::String');
foreach my $list (@{$col->[4]}){
my $model1=[$liststore,$id];
$r->signal_connect (edited => \&cell_edited, $model1);
$column = Gtk3::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(
$col->[2],$r,'text' => $col->[0]
my @id=($liststore,$col->[0]);
return 1
sub cell_edited {
my ($cell, $path_string, $new_text, $model1) = @_;
my ($model2,$column)=@{$model1};
my $model;
my $path = Gtk3::TreePath->new_from_string ($path_string);
my $iter = $model2->get_iter ($path);
my $iter2;
if ($model2=~/TreeModelFilter/){
else {
my $gvalue = Glib::Object::Introspection::GValueWrapper->new (
'Glib::String', $new_text);
$model->set_value ($iter2, $column, $gvalue);
return 1
edited sub-routine
my ($cell, $path_str, $value) = @_;
my $iter;
$iter=$list->get_model->get_iter_from_string($path_str) ;
my @updfiles;
my @listcols=$list->get_model->get($iter,0,1,5);
@updfiles= ($value,$listcols[1],$listcols[2])
@updfiles contains the wrong rowid (column 5 is a rowid from a database)
The sort is just
$list->get_column(0)->set_sort_column_id (0);
nothing fancy
seems to only affect a cellrenderercombo
I have another column wihich is cellrenderertext which has no issues
Any ideas why this is happening