In the process of migrating the Perl application GCstar from Gtk2 to Gtk3 (, I stumbled upon a possible bug of the add_custom method of FileFilter. When used in the "Save" mode of a FileChooserDialog, editing a file name in the input form induces a segmentation fault, a very impolite behaviour for an interpreted language! It happens at least on Debian 10 (perl v5.28.1, libgtk-3-0Â 3.24.5-1) and Fedora 31 (perl v5.30.1, gtk3 3.24.13-1.fc31) but strangely enough not on Windows!
I'm sharing below a little script able to reproduce the problem: any correction in the Perl Gtk3 binding or a workaround for the application is welcome!
Best regards
use strict;
use Gtk3 -init;
use Glib ('TRUE','FALSE');
my $window = Gtk3::Window->new('toplevel');
$window->set_title ('FileFilter Problem');
$window->signal_connect('delete_event' => sub {Gtk3->main_quit()});
my $button = Gtk3::Button->new_with_label('Choose file');
$button->signal_connect('clicked' => \&clicked_cb);
$window -> show_all();
sub clicked_cb
  my $open_dialog = Gtk3::FileChooserDialog->new('Pick a file',
            ('gtk-cancel', 'cancel',
            'gtk-open', 'accept'));
  $open_dialog->signal_connect('response' => \&open_response_cb);
  my $filter;
  $filter = new Gtk3::FileFilter;
  $filter->set_name('HTML Custom');
  $filter->add_custom('filename', sub {
    my $ctx = shift;
    return 0 if ((! defined $ctx) || (! defined $ctx->{filename}));
    my $filename = lc($ctx->{filename});
    return ($filename =~ m/.html?$/);
sub open_response_cb
  my ($dialog, $response_id) = @_;
  my $open_dialog = $dialog;
  my $file;
  if ($response_id eq 'accept') {
    print "accept\n";
    $file = $open_dialog->get_file();    Â
    my $filename = $open_dialog->get_filename();
    print "openning: $filename \n";
  elsif ($response_id eq 'cancel') {
    print "cancelled\n";