Whilst working up a smallest working example for another bug, I've discovered that I cannot get subclassing working when the main package is in the same file as the module. Below is the Gtk2 subclassing example from Muppet which I have trivially converted to Gtk3. I get the following error messages: Odd number of elements in anonymous hash at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.28/Glib/Object/Introspection.pm line 267. *** unhandled exception in callback: *** Can't locate object method "get_colormap" via package "Gtk3::EventBox" at ../gtk3-subclass.pl line 93. *** ignoring at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/perl5/5.28/Glib/Object/Introspection.pm line 67. What is going on? Regards Jeff #http://gtk2-perl.sourceforge.net/doc/subclassing_widgets_in_perl.html #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; package Mup::ColorButton; use Gtk3; # this big hairy statement registers our Glib::Object-derived class # and sets up all the signals and properties for it. use Glib::Object::Subclass Gtk3::Button::, signals => { # with an empty hash for color_changed, we use all defaults, # which results in a signal which receives no extra parameters[2] # and returns no value. color_changed => {}, # by supplying a subroutine reference for an existing signal, # we override the default handler for the class; this is how # you override virtual functions on Glib::Objects. show => \&on_show, }, properties => [ Glib::ParamSpec->int ( 'red', # name 'Red', # nickname 'The Red component of the RGB color', #blurb 0, # min 0xffff, # max 0xffff, # default [qw/readable writable/] #flags ), Glib::ParamSpec->int ( 'green', 'Green', 'The Green component of the RGB color', 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, [qw/readable writable/] ), Glib::ParamSpec->int ( 'blue', 'Blue', 'The Blue component of the RGB color', 0, 0xffff, 0xffff, [qw/readable writable/] ), ]; # as part of creating the C object, Glib will call the INIT_INSTANCE # method to, surprise, initialize the instance. this is not an inherited # method; it will be called with a fully-qualified package name. # most of what we used to have in the constructor goes here. # in fact, we just inherit new() from the base class, because it does # everything we need it to. sub INIT_INSTANCE { my $self = shift; $self->{red} = 0xffff; $self->{green} = 0xffff; $self->{blue} = 0xffff; my $frame = Gtk3::Frame->new; $frame->set_border_width (3); $frame->set_shadow_type ('etched-in'); $self->add ($frame); $frame->show; my $event_box = Gtk3::EventBox->new; $event_box->set_size_request (14, 14); $frame->add ($event_box); $event_box->show; $self->{colorbox} = $event_box; } # in a more ambitious widget, we'd probably define GET_PROPERTY # and SET_PROPERTY to do some custom stuff... for our purposes, # however, the default implementation provided by Glib::Object::Subclass # is sufficient. (it sets the property values as hash members in the # instance variable.) # here we need to override the show method to set the color the # first time we go onscreen, because we can't do that in the # initializer (the GdkWindow does not exist yet). sub on_show { my $self = shift; $self->set_color (red => $self->{red}, green => $self->{green}, blue => $self->{blue}); # perl code that needs to call the parent class usually does something # like $self->SUPER::methodname ---- however, class_closures for # for Glib::Objects are not inheritable in that way; the code to which # we need to chain may not even be perl code. Glib provides this # method to provide that functionality, instead. $self->signal_chain_from_overridden; } sub set_color { my $self = shift; my %params = @_; my $color = Gtk3::Gdk::Color->new ($params{red}, $params{green}, $params{blue}); $self->{colorbox}->get_colormap->alloc_color ($color, 0, 1); $self->{colorbox}->modify_bg ('normal', $color); $self->{colorbox}->modify_bg ('active', $color); $self->{colorbox}->modify_bg ('prelight', $color); $self->{red} = $params{red}; $self->{green} = $params{green}; $self->{blue} = $params{blue}; # emit the color-changed signal. note again that the signal # name treats - and _ as equivalent. $self->signal_emit ('color-changed'); } package main; use Gtk3 -init; my $window = Gtk3::Window->new; $window->set_title ('Color buttons'); $window->set_border_width (6); $window->signal_connect (delete_event => sub { Gtk3->main_quit; 1 }); my $vbox = Gtk3::VBox->new; $window->add ($vbox); $vbox->show; my $foo = Mup::ColorButton->new (red => 0xaaaa, green => 0x0, blue => 0xffff); $vbox->pack_start ($foo, 1, 1, 0); $foo->show; $foo->signal_connect (clicked => sub { my $self = shift; my $dialog = Gtk3::ColorSelectionDialog->new ('pick a color'); my $c = Gtk3::Gdk::Color->new ($self->{red}, $self->{green}, $self->{blue}); $self->{colorbox}->get_colormap->alloc_color ($c, 0, 1); $dialog->colorsel->set_current_color ($c); if ('ok' eq $dialog->run) { my $c = $dialog->colorsel->get_current_color; $self->set_color (red => $c->red, green => $c->green, blue => $c->blue); } $dialog->destroy; }); $foo->signal_connect (color_changed => sub { warn "the color changed - now " . join (", ", $_[0]->get (qw/red green blue/)) . ". i should do something!"; }); $window->show; Gtk3->main;
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