Re: cannot make GdkRectangle synonymous to the unregistered type CairoRectangleInt at C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/perl5/site_perl/ line 479.

I has anyone else seen this or been able to do anything about it?

On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 08:10:33PM +0200, Torsten Schoenfeld wrote:
On 23.05.2018 11:03, gtk-perl-list TalkVideo net wrote:
A single-line Perl command like:

perl -e "use Gtk3;"

Results in the following error:

cannot make GdkRectangle synonymous to the unregistered type CairoRectangleInt at 
C:/msys64/mingw64/lib/perl5/site_perl/ line 479.

Haven't seen that one before.  The only possible reasons I can think
of are: a) Cairo::GObject is linked against a different
cairo-gobject library than the one Gtk3/Glib::Object::Introspection
see at runtime, or b) there's a race condition between the BOOT
section in Cairo::GObject and the import sub in Gtk3.

With the attached patches, what's the output of "perl -e'use Gtk3'"
on your system?

On mine, it is:

# perl -e'use Gtk3'
Cairo::GObject: registering 94192984588768 (CairoRectangleInt)
Glib: trying to look up 94192984588768 (CairoRectangleInt)

diff --git a/CairoGObject.xs b/CairoGObject.xs
index ab1c70b..23428a3 100644
--- a/CairoGObject.xs
+++ b/CairoGObject.xs
@@ -283,6 +283,7 @@ BOOT:
      gperl_register_boxed (CAIRO_GOBJECT_TYPE_RECTANGLE, "Cairo::Rectangle",
+     warn ("Cairo::GObject: registering %ld (%s)\n", CAIRO_GOBJECT_TYPE_RECTANGLE_INT, g_type_name 
      gperl_register_boxed (CAIRO_GOBJECT_TYPE_RECTANGLE_INT, "Cairo::RectangleInt",
      gperl_register_boxed (CAIRO_GOBJECT_TYPE_REGION, "Cairo::Region",

diff --git a/GBoxed.xs b/GBoxed.xs
index 5c726aa..1b623df 100644
--- a/GBoxed.xs
+++ b/GBoxed.xs
@@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ gperl_register_boxed_synonym (GType registered_gtype,
      G_LOCK (info_by_gtype);
+     warn ("Glib: trying to look up %ld (%s)\n", registered_gtype, g_type_name (registered_gtype));
      registered_boxed_info = (BoxedInfo *)
              g_hash_table_lookup (info_by_gtype, (gpointer) registered_gtype);

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