I've subclassed Goo::Canvas2 to add panning and zooming via the mouse. It works well, apart from the fact that panning tends to "bounce" if the the user tries to pan too fast. I use Goo::Canvas to display OCR output and use exactly the same code to pan a DrawingArea with a pixbuf of the image from which the OCR output came from. The DrawingArea pans smoothly. Does anyone have any insight what might be going on? The code is below. Stored as canvas.pl, you can run it with perl canvas.pl Pan with the left mouse button. Zoom with the mouse wheel. package My::Canvas; use strict; use warnings; use feature 'switch'; no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch'; use Gtk3; use GooCanvas2; use Glib 1.220 qw(TRUE FALSE); # To get TRUE and FALSE use Glib::Object::Subclass GooCanvas2::Canvas::, signals => { 'zoom-changed' => { param_types => ['Glib::Float'], # new zoom }, 'offset-changed' => { param_types => [ 'Glib::Int', 'Glib::Int' ], # new offset }, }, properties => [ Glib::ParamSpec->scalar( 'offset', # name 'Image offset', # nick 'Gdk::Rectangle hash of x, y', # blurb [qw/readable writable/] # flags ), ]; sub INIT_INSTANCE { my $self = shift; # Set up the canvas $self->signal_connect( 'button-press-event' => \&_button_pressed ); $self->signal_connect( 'button-release-event' => \&_button_released ); $self->signal_connect( 'motion-notify-event' => \&_motion ); $self->signal_connect( 'scroll-event' => \&_scroll ); if ( $Glib::Object::Introspection::VERSION < 0.043 ## no critic (ProhibitMagicNumbers) ) { $self->add_events( # ${ Gtk3::Gdk::EventMask->new(qw/exposure-mask/) } | ${ Gtk3::Gdk::EventMask->new(qw/button-press-mask/) } | ${ Gtk3::Gdk::EventMask->new(qw/button-release-mask/) } | ${ Gtk3::Gdk::EventMask->new(qw/pointer-motion-mask/) } | ${ Gtk3::Gdk::EventMask->new(qw/scroll-mask/) } ); } else { $self->add_events( # Glib::Object::Introspection->convert_sv_to_flags( # 'Gtk3::Gdk::EventMask', 'exposure-mask' ) | Glib::Object::Introspection->convert_sv_to_flags( 'Gtk3::Gdk::EventMask', 'button-press-mask' ) | Glib::Object::Introspection->convert_sv_to_flags( 'Gtk3::Gdk::EventMask', 'button-release-mask' ) | Glib::Object::Introspection->convert_sv_to_flags( 'Gtk3::Gdk::EventMask', 'pointer-motion-mask' ) | Glib::Object::Introspection->convert_sv_to_flags( 'Gtk3::Gdk::EventMask', 'scroll-mask' ) ); } $self->{offset}{x} = 0; $self->{offset}{y} = 0; # $self->set_double_buffered(FALSE); return $self; } sub SET_PROPERTY { my ( $self, $pspec, $newval ) = @_; my $name = $pspec->get_name; my $oldval = $self->get($name); if ( ( defined $newval and defined $oldval and $newval ne $oldval ) or ( defined $newval xor defined $oldval ) ) { given ($name) { when ('offset') { if ( ( defined $newval xor defined $oldval ) or $oldval->{x} != $newval->{x} or $oldval->{y} != $newval->{y} ) { $self->{$name} = $newval; $self->scroll_to( -$newval->{x}, -$newval->{y} ); # print "canvas emitting offset-changed $newval->{x}, $newval->{y}\n"; $self->signal_emit( 'offset-changed', $newval->{x}, $newval->{y} ); } } default { $self->{$name} = $newval; # $self->SUPER::SET_PROPERTY( $pspec, $newval ); } } } return; } sub get_pixbuf_size { my ( $self ) = @_; return $self->{pixbuf_size}; } sub set_offset { my ( $self, $offset_x, $offset_y ) = @_; if ( not defined $self->get_pixbuf_size ) { return } # print "in canvas set_offset( $offset_x, $offset_y )\n"; # Convert the widget size to image scale to make the comparisons easier my $allocation = $self->get_allocation; ( $allocation->{width}, $allocation->{height} ) = $self->_to_image_distance( $allocation->{width}, $allocation->{height} ); my $pixbuf_size = $self->get_pixbuf_size; $offset_x = _clamp_direction( $offset_x, $allocation->{width}, $pixbuf_size->{width} ); $offset_y = _clamp_direction( $offset_y, $allocation->{height}, $pixbuf_size->{height} ); # print "offset after clamping $offset_x, $offset_y\n"; # printf "bounds before centering %d, %d, %d, %d\n", $self->get_bounds; my $min_x = 0; my $min_y = 0; if ( $offset_x > 0 ) { $min_x = -$offset_x; # $offset_x = 0; } if ( $offset_y > 0 ) { $min_y = -$offset_y; # $offset_y = 0; } $self->set_bounds( $min_x, $min_y, $pixbuf_size->{width} - $min_x, $pixbuf_size->{height} - $min_y ); # printf "bounds after centering %d, %d, %d, %d\n", $self->get_bounds; $self->set( 'offset', { x => $offset_x, y => $offset_y } ); return; } sub get_offset { my ($self) = @_; return $self->get('offset'); } # convert x, y in widget distance to image distance sub _to_image_distance { my ( $self, $x, $y ) = @_; my $zoom = $self->get_scale; return $x / $zoom, $y / $zoom; } # set zoom with centre in image coordinates sub _set_zoom_with_center { my ( $self, $zoom, $center_x, $center_y ) = @_; my $allocation = $self->get_allocation; my $offset_x = $allocation->{width} / 2 / $zoom - $center_x; my $offset_y = $allocation->{height} / 2 / $zoom - $center_y; $self->set_scale($zoom); $self->signal_emit( 'zoom-changed', $zoom ); $self->set_offset( $offset_x, $offset_y ); return; } sub _clamp_direction { my ( $offset, $allocation, $pixbuf_size ) = @_; # Centre the image if it is smaller than the widget if ( $allocation > $pixbuf_size ) { $offset = ( $allocation - $pixbuf_size ) / 2; } # Otherwise don't allow the LH/top edge of the image to be visible elsif ( $offset > 0 ) { $offset = 0; } # Otherwise don't allow the RH/bottom edge of the image to be visible elsif ( $offset < $allocation - $pixbuf_size ) { $offset = $allocation - $pixbuf_size; } return $offset; } sub _button_pressed { my ( $self, $event ) = @_; # left mouse button if ( $event->button != 1 ) { return FALSE } $self->{drag_start} = { x => $event->x, y => $event->y }; $self->{dragging} = TRUE; # $self->update_cursor( $event->x, $event->y ); return TRUE; } sub _button_released { my ( $self, $event ) = @_; $self->{dragging} = FALSE; # $self->update_cursor( $event->x, $event->y ); return TRUE; } sub _motion { my ( $self, $event ) = @_; # $self->update_cursor( $event->x, $event->y ); if ( not $self->{dragging} ) { return FALSE } printf "canvas motion %d %d -> %d %d\n", $self->{drag_start}{x}, $self->{drag_start}{y}, $event->x, $event->y; # printf "canvas %f %f \n", $self->convert_from_pixels($event->x, $event->y); my ($delta_x, $delta_y) = $self->_to_image_distance( $event->x - $self->{drag_start}{x}, $event->y - $self->{drag_start}{y} ); ( $self->{drag_start}{x}, $self->{drag_start}{y} ) = ( $event->x, $event->y ); my $offset = $self->get_offset; $self->set_offset( $offset->{x} + $delta_x, $offset->{y} + $delta_y ); return TRUE; } sub _scroll { my ( $self, $event ) = @_; my ( $center_x, $center_y ) = $self->convert_from_pixels( $event->x, $event->y ); my $zoom; if ( $event->direction eq 'up' ) { $zoom = $self->get_scale * 2; } else { $zoom = $self->get_scale / 2; } $self->_set_zoom_with_center( $zoom, $center_x, $center_y ); return TRUE; } package main; use strict; use warnings; use Gtk3 -init; my $window = Gtk3::Window->new(); $window->set_default_size(600, 600); $window->signal_connect('destroy' => sub {Gtk3->main_quit()}); my $canvas = My::Canvas->new(); $canvas->{pixbuf_size} = { width => 600, height => 600 }; my $root = $canvas->get_root_item(); GooCanvas2::CanvasRect->new(parent => $root, x => 0, y => 0, width => 600, height => 600); GooCanvas2::CanvasEllipse->new(parent => $root, 'center-x' => 300, 'center-y' => 300, 'radius-x' => 100, 'radius-y' => 100); GooCanvas2::CanvasEllipse->new(parent => $root, 'center-x' => 300, 'center-y' => 300, 'radius-x' => 50, 'radius-y' => 50); $window->add($canvas); $window->show_all; # Pass control to the Gtk3 main event loop Gtk3->main(); __END__
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