Gtk3::Application open signal

I've been failing to make the Gtk3::Application "open" signal work.
Below, I've adapted an example from maxperl's tutorial on github. This
should take filenames as arguments.

Unfortunately the open signal is never emitted.

Below the Perl example is a Python one which works as expected.

I've poked around the Gtk3 and Gio code, but can't find any reference
to the GtkApplication stuff.

Any help would be much appreciated




# Make a binding to the Gio API in the Perl program (just
copy&paste ;-)) # This is necessary mainly for Gtk3::Application and
some more stuff # Alternatively you find an early implementation as a
Perl module # on (not yet
published on CPAN!) # Hopefully this module simplifies the use of the
Gio API in the future # (see also the notes above).
  use Glib::Object::Introspection;
    basename => 'Gio',
    version => '2.0',
    package => 'Glib::IO');

use strict;
use warnings;

use Gtk3;
use Glib qw/TRUE FALSE/;

# The MAIN FUNCTION should be as small as possible and do almost
nothing except creating # your Gtk3::Application and running it
# The "real work" should always be done in response to the signals
fired by Gtk3::Application. # see below
my $app = Gtk3::Application->new('app.test', 'handles-open');

$app->signal_connect('startup'  => \&_init     );
$app->signal_connect('activate' => \&_build_ui );
$app->signal_connect('open' => \&_open );
$app->signal_connect('shutdown' => \&_cleanup  );
print "starting with @ARGV\n";


# The CALLBACK FUNCTIONS to the SIGNALS fired by the main function.
# Here we do the "real work" (see above)
sub _init {
        my ($app) = @_;

        # Handle program initialization
        print "Hello world!\n";

sub _build_ui {
        my ($app) = @_;
        print "running activate\n";
        my $window = Gtk3::ApplicationWindow->new($app);
        $window->set_title ('Welcome to GNOME');
        $window->set_default_size (200, 200);
        $window->signal_connect( 'delete_event' => sub
{$app->quit()} ); $window->show();

sub _open {
    my ($app, $files) = @_;
    print "files: $files\n";

sub _cleanup {
        my ($app) = @_;

        # Handle cleanup
        print "Goodbye world!\n";

import gi
gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from gi.repository import Gtk, Gio
import sys

# a Gtk ApplicationWindow
class MyWindow(Gtk.ApplicationWindow):
    # constructor: the title is "Welcome to GNOME" and the window
belongs # to the application app

    def __init__(self, app):
        Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title="Welcome to GNOME",

class MyApplication(Gtk.Application):
    # constructor of the Gtk Application

    def __init__(self):

    # create and activate a MyWindow, with self (the MyApplication) as
    # application the window belongs to.
    # Note that the function in C activate() becomes do_activate() in
    Python def do_activate(self):
        win = MyWindow(self)
        # show the window and all its content
        # this line could go in the constructor of MyWindow as well
        print "activate"

    # start up the application
    # Note that the function in C startup() becomes do_startup() in
    Python def do_startup(self):
        print "startup"

    # open any files
    # Note that the function in C open() becomes do_open() in Python
    def do_open(self, list_of_file_objects, number_of_files, arg3):
        print "open", list_of_file_objects, number_of_files, arg3
        for f in list_of_file_objects:
            print f.get_basename()
        Gtk.Application.do_open(self, list_of_file_objects,

# create and run the application, exit with the value returned by
# running the program
app = MyApplication()
exit_status =

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