Re: Struggling with TreeModelFilter

"Mike Martin" <mike redtux org uk>:
sub cell_edited {
my ($cell, $path_string, $new_text, $model1) = @_;

You're example code is not complete, but $path_string here most probably refers to the filtered model.

my ($model,$column)=@{$model1};

And $model is most likely the unfiltered model.

  my $path = Gtk3::TreePath->new_from_string ($path_string);

Hence you probably need this here:

$path = $filter->convert_path_to_child_path ($path);

  my $iter = $model->get_iter ($path);
my $gvalue = Glib::Object::Introspection::GValueWrapper->new (
  'Glib::String', $new_text);
  #$self->{stack}->child_set_property ($child, 'needs-attention', $gvalue);
  $model->set_value ($iter, $column, $gvalue);

This should work as well:

$model->set ($iter, $column, $new_text)



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