'Cannot convert arbitrary SV to GValue' when setting child property of GtkStack

Hi all.

I'm trying to set the 'needs-attention' property of a GtkStack's child page.

When I go:

use Glib qw( TRUE FALSE );

my $needs_attention = FALSE;

if ( $self->{ 'Column' . $i . 'Datasheet' }->count ) {
    $needs_attention = TRUE;

my $child = $self->{stack}->get_child_by_name( 'page' . $i );

  , 'needs-attention'
  , $needs_attention

 ... I get:

Cannot convert arbitrary SV to GValue'

The 'needs-attention' property ( doc:
https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/GtkStack.html ) says that the
property is a 'gboolean'. How do I get a gboolean?


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