Re: [PATCH] Pango: fix linking

On 21 November 2015 at 19:32, Torsten Schönfeld
<torsten schoenfeld gmx de> wrote:
Generating POD...
/usr/bin/perl5.22.0: symbol lookup error:
blib/arch/auto/Pango/ undefined symbol:

Why does adding a space to the linker args fix this?
pango_cairo_font_map_get_type was introduced in pango-1.10, as far as I
can see.  It is pulled into the bindings via the maps-1.10 file, which
is only used when we have pango >= 1.10.  So, are there maybe multiple
libpango versions involved on the compilation machine?

Could you post the compilation output with and without your patch with
the NOECHO Makefile var unset?

   perl Makefile.PL
   make NOECHO=

Might the problem be the same as in
<>?  Does the proposed
change from there fix things also for you?

That's exactly the same fix modulo the quote style...

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