Gtk3 0.023 available

Overview of changes in Gtk3 0.023 [2015-08-10]

* Fix a test failure in t/zz-GdkEvent.t
* Fix warnings from the dialog tests
* Fix warnings from the Gtk3::Menu tests
* Test that loading Gtk3 multiple times does not affect vfunc overloading

Gtk3 is available via CPAN, or as a tarball from Sourceforge:

Or view the source in the Gtk3-Perl git repo:

This module requires these other modules and libraries:

 perl >= 5.8.0
 Cairo >= 1.080 (Perl module)
 Cairo::GObject >= 1.000 (Perl module)
 Glib >= 1.280 (Perl module)
 Glib::Object::Introspection >= 0.016 (Perl module)
 Pango >= 1.220 (Perl module)
 GTK+ > 3.x (C library and prerequisites)

Gtk3 provides Perl bindings to the 3.x series of the gtk+ toolkit. It
allows you to write graphical user interfaces in a Perlish and
object-oriented way, freeing you from the casting and memory
management in C, yet remaining very close in spirit to the original

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