Enjoy!I have included below various changes, gotchas, and general notes I accrued in converting our application from perl Gtk2 to perl Gtk3.Also, these notes are current as of 0.09 (which is no longer the latest version).
Near the bottom, you'll also notice some changes I made directly to Gtk3.pm. I suppose I could have created a diff as these changes were made to produce backward-compatible functionality but, they essentially break the "new" Gtk3 style for those widgets. However, if anyone else needs to convert a major project over, these changes will shave a *lot* of time off of said conversion.
Was: $dialog->vbox->add($grid);
Now: $dialog->get_content_area->pack_start($grid,1,1,0);
Was: $widget->isa(Gtk2::Window)
Now: ? (Started calling $widget->get_toplevel for similar functionality with respect to our system)
Was: ComboBoxEntry
Now: ComboBox
Was: ComboBoxEntry->new($store,0);
Now: ComboBox->new_with_model_and_entry($store); $combo->set_entry_text_column(0);
Was: ComboBoxEntry->get_child;
Now: Gtk3::Bin::get_child($combo)
Was: $combo->get_active_text;
Now: Gtk3::Bin::get_child($combo)->get_text;
Was: my $loader = Gtk2::Gdk::PixbufLoader->new; $loader->write($img);
Now: my $loader = Gtk3::Gdk::PixbufLoader->new; $loader->write([unpack 'C*', $imgdata]);
(Thanks Khisanth)
Was: Gtk2::Image could be attached to a grid
Now: Gtk3::Image add to a event box, then attach box to grid
Was: Gtk2::RadioButton->new
Now: Gtk3::RadioButton->new_with_label
Was: Gtk2::CheckButton->new
Now: Gtk3::CheckButton->new_with_label
Was: $group = $radio->get_group; $radio1 = Gtk2::RadioButton->new($group,'Label');
Now: $radio1 = Gtk2::RadioButton->new($radio,'Label');
Was: Gtk3->main_iteration while Gtk3->events_pending;
Now: Gtk3::main_iteration while Gtk3::events_pending;
Progressbar must have show-text for text to appear now: $progressbar->set_property('show-text' => 1);
Can't use: $store->get_value($iter,0,1,2,3,4);
Must use: $store->get($iter,0,1,2,3,4);
Can't use: $store->set_value
Must use: $store->set
Lazy loading gtk3 doesn't seem to work, can't use "require", must use "use"
Both Frame and Labels must be passed a blank string '' instead of no value
Can't use $button->set_image(undef) needs to be $button0->set_image(Gtk3::Image::new);
drag_source_set and drag_dest_set used to require a target_table array defined purely in perl. Also, the argument order has changed slightly. Used to be: $widget->drag_source_set(['button1_mask', 'button3_mask'], ['copy', 'move'], @targets); Now, requires an array of Gtk3::TargetEntry and must be called as such:
$widget->drag_source_set (['button1_mask', 'button3_mask'], \ main::target_table, ['copy','move']);
$widget->drag_dest_set('all', \ main::target_table, ['copy', 'move']);
my $oldcolor = $widget->get_style->bg('normal'); had to replaced with:
sub getbackgroundcolorfrombutton
my ($button) = @_;
my $style = $button->get_style;
my $stylecontext = $style->get_property('context');
my $bgcolor = $stylecontext->get_property('background-color','normal');
my $bgstring = $bgcolor->to_string;
my @a = split(/\(/, $bgstring);
my @b = split(/,/, $a[1]);
my $> my $two = uc(sprintf("%x",$b[1]));
my $three = uc(sprintf("%x",$b[2]));
if(length($one) == 1) { $ . $one; }
if(length($two) == 1) { $two = '0' . $two; }
if(length($three) == 1) { $three = '0' . $three; }
my $oldcolor = [Gtk3::Gdk::Color::parse('#' . $one . $two . $three)]->[1];
$button->set_always_show_image(1); should be called if set_image and set_label are both used. This was not necessary in Gtk2.
need to replace all instances of Gtk3::Gdk::Color::parse('#EEEEEE') with [Gtk3::Gdk::Color::parse('#EEEEEE')]->[1]
Applied icon-size-support-v0.patch
Gtk2::Rc->parse($themedata) should be replaced with new theming engine css stuff:
my $provider = Gtk3::CssProvider->new();
my $display = Gtk3::Gdk::Display::get_default;
my $screen = Gtk3::Gdk::Display::get_default_screen($display);
drawingarea->window is now drawingarea->get_window()
drawingarea->visible is now drawingarea->get_visible()
For size-allocation signal, is no longer: $rectangle->height,$rectangle->width is: $rectangle->{'height'},$rectangle->{'width'}
Allocation can no longer be pulled as $draw->allocation. Is now: my $allocation = Gtk3::Widget::get_allocation($docdraw); Must then be referenced as a hash as noted above
No longer connect to on_expose_event, connect to draw
Instead of Gtk2::Gdk::Cairo::Context::set_source_pixbuf($cairocontext,0,0) should not be dealing with pixbuf anymore when rendering, instead take png images and convert to image surfaces:
my $fh = new IO::Scalar \$png;
my $tempsurface = Cairo::ImageSurface->create_from_png_stream(sub { my ($fh, $length) = @_; my $tempdata; my $nread = sysread($fh,$tempdata,$length) or print "Couldn't read\n"; return($tempdata); },$fh);
$treeview->set_cursor($path) should now be $treeview->set_cursor($path,undef,0);
No longer: Gtk3::Entry->new_with_max_length (2); Now: Gtk3::Entry->new(); $entry->set_max_length(2);
my $keyval = "Gtk3::Gdk::KEY_$char"; my $key = eval($keyval);
Before: $complete->signal_connect(match_selected => sub { $combo->set_active_iter($_[1]->convert_iter_to_child_iter($_[2])); });
Now: $complete->signal_connect(match_selected => sub { $combo->set_active_iter($_[2]); });
Below are some changes I made to the core Gtk3.pm for compatibility reasons.
my @selection = $main::plantinventorytree->get_selection->get_selected_rows; now returns a two-dimensional array instead of one. Overridden:
sub Gtk3::TreeSelection::get_selected_rows
my ($treeselection) = @_;
my ($ref,$model) = Glib::Object::Introspection->invoke (
$_GTK_BASENAME, 'TreeSelection', 'get_selected_rows', $treeselection);
if(defined($ref) && length($ref->[0]) > 0) { return(@$ref); }
my @a;
Modified Gtk3.pm to include the following in both: Gtk3::TreeStore::insert_with_values and Gtk3::ListStore::insert_with_values
if(length($position) == 0) { $position = 0; }
Modified Gtk3.pm to include the following override method as to not break 90% of my program:
sub Gtk3::Entry::set_text {
if(!defined($_[1])) { $_[1] = ''; }
return Glib::Object::Introspection->invoke (
$_GTK_BASENAME, 'Entry', 'set_text',($_[0],$_[1]));
Added the following override due to random breakage returning valid (unintialized) iters causing all sorts of issues with previous assuming definedness was a valid check
sub Gtk3::ComboBox::get_active_iter
my ($combo) = @_;
my ($bool,$iter) = Glib::Object::Introspection->invoke (
$_GTK_BASENAME, 'ComboBox', 'get_active_iter', $combo);
if($bool == 1) { return($iter); }
else { return(undef); }
sub Gtk3::Frame::new {
my $frame = Glib::Object::Introspection->invoke ( $_GTK_BASENAME, 'Frame', 'new', ('',''));
sub Gtk3::TextBuffer::set_text {
if(!defined($_[1])) { $_[1] = ''; }
return Glib::Object::Introspection->invoke (
$_GTK_BASENAME, 'TextBuffer', 'set_text',
@_ == 3 ? @_ : (@_[0,1], -1)); # wants length in bytes
Can't use: for($iter = $store->get_iter_first;$iter;$iter = $store->iter_next($iter))
Tried using this initially: my $valid = 1; for($iter = $store->get_iter_first;$valid;$valid = $store->iter_next($iter))
However, direct modification of iters *severely* broke a ton of code, so added this to Gtk3.pm:
sub Gtk3::TreeModel::iter_next
my ($model,$iter) = @_;
my $newiter = $iter->copy;
my $bool = Glib::Object::Introspection->invoke (
$_GTK_BASENAME, 'TreeModel', 'iter_next', $model,$newiter);
if($bool == 1) { return($newiter); }
else { return(undef); }
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