Gtk3 0.009 available

Overview of changes in Gtk3 0.009 [2013-02-14]

* Add overrides for Gtk3::Container.
* Add overrides for Gtk3::Dialog and Gtk3::InfoBar, including the
  conversion of predefined response IDs to nick names.
* Add overrides for Gtk3::Editable.
* Add overrides for Gtk3::FileChooserDialog.
* Add overrides for Gtk3::RecentChooserDialog.
* Add overrides for Gtk3::TextBuffer.
* Add overrides for Gtk3::ListStore's and Gtk3::TreeStore's
* Add more overrides for Gtk3::TreeView and friends.
* Add overrides for various button constructors.
* Add an override for Gtk3::main_level.
* In Gtk3::TreeModel::get, if no columns are specified, use all columns.
* Test that no double-frees occur for custom Gtk3::Widget subclasses.
* Add overrides for Gtk3::Gdk::Atom.
* Add overrides for Gtk3::Gdk::RGBA.
* Make Gtk3::Gdk::Pixbuf::save, save_to_buffer and save_to_callback
* Fix test failures on older versions of gtk+.

Gtk3 is available as a tarball:

or from git:

Gtk3 provides Perl bindings to the 3.x series of the gtk+ toolkit. It allows you to write graphical user interfaces in a Perlish and object-oriented way, freeing you from the casting and memory management in C, yet remaining very close in spirit to the original API.

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