Re: loop gtk

Hello Juergen

I will apreciate you can address me to now how to do it, I am new writing Perl-Gtk2 GUI apps. please check previously answered email, I attached the code.

El mié, 14-08-2013 a las 08:08 +0200, Juergen Harms escribió:
Essentially, the loop you are looking for is already built into gtk: gtk 
permanently runs its "event loop" when your application is idling - it 
starts idling when you return form your "main" procedure (in which you 
probably have done all drawing of your user interface).

When gtk detects an event - for instance the key_press-event mentioned 
by Grant, it uses a callback mechanism to call the handler you have 
declared, does what you have programmed into this handler, and than goes 
back to idling and waits for further events.

If you are building up experience with gtk, it is important that you are 
familiar with this way of handling the parallelism between your program 
and "random" things like I/O that happen asynchoronously with respect to 
your program - and that you conceive your application to profit from 
this way of doing.

Good luck - Juergen
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