Glib::Object::Subclass and Exporter

Hi, i'm not very used to mailing-lists, so if i do anything wrong,
please correct me.

So, i've been struggling a long time before i could get
Glib::Object::Subclass and Exporter to work together.
If there is a known way to do this, please share your knowledge.

perl version: 5.14.2-12
gtk version: 2.24.10-2
gtk-perl version: 2:1.244-1

The problem:
Either i setup Exporter before Glib::Object::Subclass, and then nothing
is exported from my module when i use it (just as if i didn't use

        package Foo::Bar;

        use strict;
        use warnings;
        BEGIN {
            require Exporter;
            our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
            our @EXPORT = qw(SOME_CONST);

        use Gtk2;
        use Glib::Object::Subclass

Or i setup Glib::Object::Subclass before Exporter, and then i get my
exports, but also errors from Gtk like 'Can't locate object method "new"
via package "Foo::Bar::SUPER"':

        package Foo::Bar;

        use strict;
        use warnings;

        use Gtk2;
        use Glib::Object::Subclass
        BEGIN {
            require Exporter;
            our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
            our @EXPORT = qw(SOME_CONST);

        sub new {
            my $class = shift;
            my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
            bless($self, $class);
            # Do some stuff that can't be done in INIT_INSTANCE
            return $self;

So, i finally took a look at, and saw that it
was doing its job by defining an import sub.
By adding some print statements there, i could point that it was called
when i use Glib::Object::Subclass (no problem there), but also when i
use my package (and then, my package Exporter sub is not called).
Why is this one called instead of Exporter one is beyond my
understanding of perl, but anyway Glib::Object::Subclass just discards
calls to it's import that are not directed to it, ignoring any stuff the
user might need from an import sub.
I then changed it like this:

        sub import {
           my $package = $_[0];
           if($package ne __PACKAGE__) {
              # This is not our import
              if($package->can('export_to_level')) {
                 $package->export_to_level(1, @_);
           my ($self, $superclass, %arg) = @_;
           my $class = caller;
              $superclass, $class,
           # ensure that we have a perlish new().  the old version of this
           # code used a CHECK block to put a new() in if we didn't already
           # have one in the package, but it may be too late to run a CHECK
           # block when we get here.  so, we use the old-fashioned way...
           unshift @{ $class."::ISA" }, __PACKAGE__;

So now, if it detects that import as been called for another package, it
finds out if Exporter is used in that package
( $package->can('export_to_level') ), and then relay the request to it
( $package->export_to_level(1, @_); ).
By doing this, my exports works well, and so are my Gtk objects.

So, i'm not a perl guru, and as i said in the beginning of this mail
there may be a know way to deal with it and i'm just messing with stuff
i shouldn't here.
But anyway, either i need to be pointed to the right way to this, or
this may be a matter of improvement of gtk-perl code.

Thanks for reading, this is a long mail, but i wanted to be as clear as

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