Re: Gtk2::Builder and locales

On 14 April 2012 06:24, Brian Manning <elspicyjack gmail com> wrote:
On Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 6:04 PM, Chris Debenham <chris adebenham com> wrote:
> Does anyone have any ideas on this?
> It is rather annoying that locale stuff doesn't work with Gtk2::Builder :(

Can you break the problem down into a small snippet of code that you
can post here on the list?

I don't think anyone on the list has the extra time cycles to dive
into your application and become familiar with it enough to start
trying to troubleshoot this problem.



I finally had a chance to try and reproduce in a simple example and found the cause :P
The problem isn't with gtk2::builder itself - rather the problem is that intltool doesn't grab the strings out of *.ui files (see
I've worked around by adding "[type: gettext/glade]" before each .ui file in
Now I just hope that it didn't delete all the old translations in the process :P

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