Re: Gtk2::Notebook and switch-page signal

I have a Gtk2::Notebook object and I want to issue a switch-page
signal for it.
switch-page (Gtk2::Notebook, gpointer, Glib::UInt)

I can't figure out what the second argument must be.
How could I get any gpointer type data here?

I tried several constructions like this:

my $notebook = $gui->get_widget('main_notebook');
$notebook->signal_emit('switch-page', $notebook->get('group'), 2);

... with various second argument.
Most of them led to segmentation fault. (Eeeerrr....)

I have no more ideas. Any help will be appreciated.

What exactly are you trying to do? If you want to switch to a page you
should use $notebook->set_current_page ($page_num).

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