Next gtk2-perl release deadline: January 18th, 2012 @ midnight UTC

Hi Folks,

Checking the Gnome release calendar[1], the next release of the
(unstable) Gnome libraries will be on Tuesday, January 18th 2012, so
I'm going to set the deadline for code submissions for January's
release of Gtk2-Perl modules to also be Tuesday, January 18th at
midnight UTC.

Please have all code submissions into the Gtk2-Perl maintainers before
then; please allow time for the maintainers to audit and test code
submissions.  If you have your favorite RT ticket or bugtracker bug
that you would like looked at, now would be a good time to mention it
as well.

Once January 18th rolls around, I will package anything new and
distribute it to the appropriate places, and post the release
announcements shortly thereafter.

If you have any questions about the above, please ask.




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