Hey, maybe I missed something but I can't find the solution (if it exist): I have a tree with several columns. When I have the selected row I would like to know which column was under the mouse pointer. Is it possible to have it? How? Thanks, Attila sub button_pressed_event { my ($widget, $event) = @_; my $treeselection = $tview->get_selection; my ($x, $y)=$event->get_coords; my $mouse_path=$tview->get_path_at_pos($x, $y); if($mouse_path) { $treeselection->select_path($mouse_path); } my $treeiter = $treeselection->get_selected; if ( $treeiter ) { if ( $event->button == 3) { my $value1 = $model->get($treeiter,0); my $value2 = $model->get($treeiter,4); printf "first: " . $value1 . " second: " . $value2 . "\n"; my $menu = Gtk2::Menu->new(); my $menuitem1 = Gtk2::ImageMenuItem->new_from_stock('gtk-copy'); $menuitem1->signal_connect(activate => sub { printf "selected :" . $value1 . "\n"; $clipboard->set_text($value1); }); my $menuitem2 = Gtk2::MenuItem->new("$value2"); $menu->add($menuitem1); $menu->add($menuitem2); $menu->show_all; $menu->popup( undef, # parent menu shell undef, # parent menu item undef, # menu pos func undef, # data 3, $event->time ); return TRUE; } } else { printf "No row selected\n"; } return FALSE; }
Description: Perl program