Re: Gtk2::Ex::WYSIWYG

Kevin Ryde <user42 zip com au> wrote:
Matthew Braid <ptkperl mdb id au> writes:
 properties => [Glib::ParamSpec->uint('undo_stack',
                   Â'Undo Stack Size',
                   Â('The maximum size of the undo '.
                    'stack. Zero implies no limit'),
                   Â0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0,
POSIX::UINT_MAX() would be possible there instead of 0xFFF.
Or ~0, as Glib (quietly) truncates it to the maximum usable value. For
instance, on a 64b system:

$ perl -MGlib -MPOSIX -wle '$,=$/; print ~0, POSIX::UINT_MAX,
Glib::ParamSpec->uint(("a")x3, 0, ~0, 0, [])->get_maximum'


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