Re: packaging help?

On Tue, 2010-04-20 at 08:57 +1000, Chris Debenham wrote:
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I think there is a little confusion on what the original poster was
asking  - answers are coming to two separate questions.
When it comes to packaging perl things there are two separate areas.
There is the packaging of perl modules (like Gtk2::Ex::Clock) and
there is the entirely separate area for packaging applications that
happen to be written in perl.
For packaging perl modules there are the various cpan2deb tools along
with special perl module stuff built into dh_make.
For packaging applications which are written in perl you don't need
any other that stuff.  You package it the same as any other
application but with the end result coming from a binary-indep rule
rather than a binary-arch rule (so "Architecture: all" is in the
control file rather than a specific arch)

So I guess the question is to the original poster - are you packaging
a perl module itself (to be used by other things) or are you packaging
an application which uses perl?
Depending on which is relevant the answer is different

That is exactly the dilemna I was running up against when I first
started out, and I suppose what I was trying to get at in my initial
post. Most of the docs seem to be geared toward packaging modules, while
I'm interested in packaging full-fledged apps. A lot of my code <is>
broken up into modules, but I also need to install .desktop files, mime
types, application/mimetype icon themes, data files, user config files,
etc. It seemed like Module::Build might have the flexibility to do all
of this, but it doesn't look like it's compatible with dh-make-perl.

I guess I was hoping someone might say, "Hey, what you want is this
book/howto/tutorial called "Packaging Perl Applications for the GNOME
Desktop" or something equally to the point. I've since decided that I'm
just being lazy, and that I really need to get into the nitty gritty of
Makefiles and the GNOME specifications to do what I want to do in the
"right" way. Thanks to everyone for the advice.


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On 20 April 2010 08:25, Kevin Ryde <user42 zip com au> wrote:
Jeremy Volkening <volkening mailshack com> writes:

b) downloading source packages of gtk2-perl based apps

For what it's worth I've been using cdbs with a debian dir left in the
cpan .tar.gz (eg. Gtk2::Ex::Clock for a simple example), which means
"fakeroot debian/rules binary" builds from the tar.  (Latest cdbs
introduces a pointless renaming of the perl .mk files designed to be
incompatible with older debian, but that can be ignored.)

dh-make-perl can be persuaded to give reasonable output but you probably
want to massage the description fields and probably the dependencies
list too.  (It also like to generate debhelper 7 format to limit
backward compatibility.)

I tried cpan2deb but it seemed to end up with slightly different layout
than native debian packages.  Perhaps that's changed by now.
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