Gtk2::TreePath broken on Debian?

Hi all,

I'm having a lot of 'fun' translating some apps from FreeBSD to
Debian, and the latest oddity I'm kind of stumped at.

On the old FreeBSD system, gtk-2.10.9_1 is installed, and perl/Gtk2
1.141 is installed.
On the new Debian system, gtk-2.12.12 is installed, and perl/Gtk2
1.190 is installed.

This particular app has a Gtk2::ComboBox that, on startup, selects the
item the user previously had selected last time it was opened. This is
done with:

# $wid contains the Gtk2::ComboBox, which already has a filled in model
my $mod = $wid->get_model;
my $path = undef;
$mod->foreach(sub {
                my ($model, $tpath, $iter, $lookfor) = @_;
                return 0 if $model->get($iter, 1) != $lookfor;
                $path = $tpath;
                return 1;
              }, "STORED_USER_SELECTION");
$path = Gtk2::TreePath->new(0) if not defined $path;
$path = $mod->get_iter($path);

This worked perfectly well on the old system, but on the new system it
complains about $path being undef on the
"$wid->set_active_iter($path)" line. After digging around, I've
discovered that no matter what, $mod->get_iter($path) ALWAYS returns
undef. A little further digging suggests this is because
Gtk2::TreePath on the new system is completely broken.

For instance, if I change the code to:

# $wid contains the Gtk2::ComboBox which already has a filled in model
my $mod = $wid->get_model;
my $path = undef;
$mod->foreach(sub {
                my ($model, $tpath, $iter, $lookfor) = @_;
                return 0 if $model->get($iter, 1) != $lookfor;
                $path = $tpath;
                return 1;
              }, "STORED_USER_SELECTION");
$path = Gtk2::TreePath->new(0) if not defined $path;
print "PATH IS ", $path->to_string, "\n";   # <--- NEW LINE HERE
$path = $mod->get_iter($path);

I get a segfault at $path->to_string. If I instead do this:

# $wid contains the Gtk2::ComboBox which already has a filled in model
my $mod = $wid->get_model;
my $path = undef;
$mod->foreach(sub {
                my ($model, $tpath, $iter, $lookfor) = @_;
                return 0 if $model->get($iter, 1) != $lookfor;
                $path = $tpath;
                return 1;
              }, "STORED_USER_SELECTION");
$path = Gtk2::TreePath->new(0) if not defined $path;
print "PATH IS ", join(", ", $path->get_indices, "\n";    # <--- NEW LINE HERE
$path = $mod->get_iter($path);

Instead of $path->get_indicies returning a single number (its a linear
list after all) I instead get an enormous list of numbers that after a
minute or so of printing out I eventually have to CTRL-C to stop.

The segfault and the near-endless list of numbers suggests to me
there's some bad memory management going on in there, which I assume
$mod->get_iter($path) is masking (an eval or something?) and just
defaulting to undef, which causes $wid->set_active_iter($path) to

So - in lieu of this being fixed (which I hope it will anyway), can
anyone give me a workaround example of setting a combo box to display
the item that matches a known string?


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